
CCI Paris Ile de France

Français 3.0

Français 3.0

Do you want to test your level in general French? Strengthen your professional French? Familiarise yourself with Teaching French for Specific Objectives (FOS)?

Teachers and students, the mobile app Français 3.0 is designed for you!

You can use it to:

1) Test your level of general French

Train yourself for the Test for Evaluation of French (TEF, TEF for Access to Quebec, TEF Canada, TEF for Studying in France, TEF for Naturalisation).

Test yourself on the comprehension sections to get the best possible score and share it on your Facebook wall.

2) Improve your professional French

Train yourself to use French in different professional contexts such as business, fashion, healthcare, diplomacy, commerce and hospitality-tourism.

Find many different activities to practice the comprehension sections of the Professional French Diplomas.

3) Familiarise yourself with teaching French for Specific Objectives

Discover how to teach French for Specific Objectives through the simple, fun application!